scrub-dub® Blog

Man holding body scrubber on shoulder.

So you're wondering how to use a body scrub? In this post, we are going to share how to use scrub-dubs's™ body scrubber and compare the material it is made from...


Red Scrub-dub body scrubber with razor and red tooth brush.

Say Goodbye to Loofah Sponges: Discover the Best Loofah Alternatives

If you're anything like most people, you've probably used a loofah sponge at least once. They're a popular choice for exfoliating and cleansing the skin,...

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Teal body scrubber handing from shower hook with eucalyptus behind it.

Better Than an African Exfoliating Net: Why scrub-dub® Body Scrubber is the Ultimate Choice

If you've ever tried an African exfoliating net or even heard of one, you know that it's a popular choice for people seeking a deep,...

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