Scrub-dub™ Blog

How to Use a Body Scrub

So you're wondering how to use a body scrub? In this post, we are going to share how to use scrub-dubs's™ body scrubber and compare the material it is made from...


hair care oily scalp scalp care scalp care solutions scalp massage shampoo brush shower tools skin care

Bust the Grease Without Calling the Ghostbusters: The Lowdown on Oily Scalps

Hey grease lightning, greasy scalp got you feeling like you could fry some eggs up there? You're not alone! Around the world, scalps are throwing...

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hairloss momlife new mom postpartum pregnancy scalp care

🚨 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: The Wild World of Postpartum Hair 🚨

Let's chat about the not-so-glam side of pregnancy, shall we? Picture this: you've just brought a tiny human into the world (props to you!), you're...

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